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Peter Verdegem_0081.jpg

Ph.D., MSc, MBA

Originally, I am trained as a Organic Chemist, and I followed up with a Ph.D. in Bio-organic Chemistry. Nevertheless, I always knew that a scientific career would not be in the future for me. That is why my last graduate education was at the Marriott School of Business in Utah. 

This combination of biochemistry and business education gives me a perfect background for serving science-driven nutritional and skin care companies.


At BYU, I studied for a Master in Business Administration together with many executives from various industries. I value greatly the American University philosophy, where exchange, and alumni networks are very important. 


Nijmegen University in the Netherlands has been the place where I followed up my Ph.D. with developing MRI methods to diagnose prostate cancer in vivo. I contributed to the science that made people able to be checked for this widely prevalent cancer form without having to undergo taking a biopsy.


At Stockholm University, my postdoctoral position allowed me to develop solid state NMR methods to investigate membrane proteins that play an important role in many biochemical processes in our body.


Leiden University is the oldest university in the Netherlands. Here is where I did my M.Sc., and Ph.D. in biochemistry. My thesis focussed on the structural determination of the Vitamin-A ligand in the protein rhodopsin, which is the protein present in the retina that makes us able to see.


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